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Letty Roman

Region 4
Letty Roman

Dr. Letty Roman is a Charles Butt Foundation alum from two Harvard institutes. She attended Leadership: An Evolving Vision in 2013 and the Family Engagement Institute in 2017. In 2019, Letty was invited by Harvard to facilitate the Turnaround Institute and the Closing the Achievement Gaps institute. Letty attributes much of her growth as a leader to the annual Leadership Symposiums sponsored by Raise Your Hand Texas and the Harvard institutes.

Letty has been in school administration for 16 years. She focuses on school turnaround, raising the expectations for everyone so students can reach their highest potential. Letty’s doctoral dissertation study focused on successful turnaround leadership, stemming from her own experience turning around two Title I schools. Letty also works as a leadership consultant, supporting principals in being courageous while improving their campuses.

Letty is excited about uniting educators across Texas to make a profound impact on our educational system. She passionately believes in the power of collaboration and the incredible possibilities of education with the support of the Charles Butt Foundation.