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2024 Texas Teacher Poll

The 2024 Texas Teacher Poll

The 2024 Charles Butt Foundation Texas Teacher Poll is currently in the field collecting the attitudes and experiences of Texas teachers across the state. Are you a Texas teacher who received an invitation to participate in the survey? Read below to learn more about the survey. Please be on the lookout for the launch of the Charles Butt Foundation 2024 Texas Treacher Poll Report in September 2024.

I got a survey invitation. How can I get started?

If you’re ready to start the survey, either click or copy-and-paste the link from your email invitation. We hope you participate in our research!

What is the purpose of the survey?

Our survey will play a key role in informing the Charles Butt Foundation’s work in support of Texas teachers by enabling us to share your attitudes and experiences with fellow educators, policymakers and the public at large.

Who is conducting this survey?

The survey is designed and directed by Langer Research Associates, an independent research firm that specializes in producing in-depth studies of current issues in public education, with data collection by SSRS. Both are nonpartisan public opinion research companies. 

Can you provide more information about what Charles Butt Foundation does in the state?

The Charles Butt Foundation is a nonprofit pursuing a more equitable and prosperous future for all Texans through education and community partnerships. The organization is working toward a future where all Texas children and families live in vibrant communities supported by a world-class education system. The Foundation invests significant time and resources in programs, regional initiatives, research, and storytelling geared toward ensuring a strong principal at the helm of every school, an effective teacher in every classroom, and empowered and engaged families and communities.

Can I see previous Charles Butt Foundation surveys?

Please see our Public Opinion Research Publications for the results of our first four Texas teacher surveys.

How did you get my name and contact information?

You were randomly selected from a list of PK-12 Texas public school teachers. The list was created using publicly available information. This is a scientific study. Our researchers designed this study so that Texas teachers have a chance of being randomly selected to participate.

Are you trying to sell me something?

No! We will not try to sell you anything if you choose to take this survey. We will also never sell or give away your identifying information.

How will you protect my privacy?

All information we collect will remain confidential. Your personal information, such as your name, school, and email address, will not be associated with your answers. Participation in this survey is voluntary. 

Who will see my responses?

Your responses are kept separate from any identifying information. Responses are combined with those of other teachers across the state and always reported in aggregate, in percentages. Responses to open-ended questions may be quoted, without any personally identifying information.

Will participating in this research sign me up for future studies?

No. Consenting and participating in this study does not sign you up for future studies. Participation is completely voluntary, and your responses are confidential.

How long will it take? Can I start the survey now and finish another time?

On average, the survey takes about 15 minutes to complete. You may start the survey and finish it another time; the program will automatically save your work. You can even start on, say, a desktop computer and finish it on a tablet or smartphone. When you sign back on, you will need to click or copy-and-paste the link from your email invitation. You will be taken right to the point where you left off.

Our Research

More Information

If you have any additional questions about this study, please contact the project team by emailing us.