A $2.5 Million Blended Learning Grant Announced

High school students at the Ann Richard School for Young Women Leaders work on an online assignment in their makers lab.

Disclaimer: This initiative initially was launched and coordinated by the Raise Your Hand Texas Foundation, which in 2022 merged with and became the Charles Butt Foundation.

We here at Raise Your Hand Texas are excited to announce the recent launch of Raising Blended Learners — a $2.5 million blended learning grant initiative we believe could revolutionize the way Texas students learn.

We’re inviting every public school, school district, and charter school in Texas to apply to participate in this blended learning program. Blended learning refers to the blend of online learning and brick-and-mortar schooling where students have some control over when, how and where they learn. We’ve partnered with education expert Heather Staker — who literally co-wrote the book on this type of innovative learning — to realize this initiative. Approximately five winning teams will receive up to $500,000 over three years to help them implement a blended learning program.

We’ve already begun receiving blended learning grant applications from some of the most innovative schools and districts in the state. If you know of a public or charter school that’s ready to take on this kind of 21st-century challenge, let us know, or have them apply.