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Jessica C. Enyioha, PhD

Director of Research
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Dr. Jessica C. Enyioha joined the Charles Butt Foundation as the Director of Research in June 2022. Previously, Enyioha served as the Program Administrator for the Travis County Work-Based Learning/Summer Youth Employment Program. She led the program in partnering with school districts, local employers, and City and County agencies to empower students with career awareness, readiness, and access thus providing 750 internships each summer. Prior to Enyioha’s leadership role with Travis County she served as a College and Career Counselor for over 10 years in multiple Texas public high schools: early college; magnet; ranging from 400 students to 2,800 students; single-gender; Title I. Enyioha believes in the power of education, has a strong passion for the accessibility of college for ALL students, and is dedicated to being a life-long learner and educator.

Enyioha earned a Doctor of Philosophy in School Improvement at Texas State University, a Master of Education in Student Affairs in Higher Education at Texas State University, and a Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies at Southwestern University. She specializes in research on college access, community development, education policy, school improvement, that brings voice to underserved communities, and sheds light on unexplored areas in education. Enyioha has published four peer-reviewed journal articles including the most recent in Urban Education. She has also taught as an Adjunct Professor at Austin Community College.

When you've worked hard, and done well, and walked through that doorway of opportunity, you do not slam it shut behind you. You reach back and you give other folks the same chances that helped you succeed.
Michelle Obama