Voices from the field: Motivational leadership

Dana Boyd the principal of East Point Elementary in Ysleta ISD listens to two of her students during a classroom visit

Disclaimer: This initiative initially was launched and coordinated by the Raise Your Hand Texas Foundation, which in 2022 merged with and became the Charles Butt Foundation.

Our Voices from the Field series features studOur Voices from the Field series features students, teachers, and school leaders who make an impact in Texas public schools.ents, teachers, and school

Dana Boyd, the principal of East Point Elementary School in Ysleta ISD, is a decorated educator. She was named Texas National Distinguished Principal in 2016 and Texas Teacher of the Year in 2007.

Boyd says the secret to her success is motivational leadership. “With everything I do in life, I feel my purpose is to motivate or make someone else’s life better.”

Boyd has created a joyful, nurturing environment at East Point Elementary where students, staff, and families feel valued and supported. She says the work begins with her. If she begins each day with a positive attitude, she can inspire others to put their best foot forward.