2022 Scholar Symposium recap

Produced & edited by Anne Bannister; cinematography by Anne Bannister & Brian Diggs

The Charles Butt Scholarship for Aspiring Teachers provides financial and professional support to aspiring Texas teachers. We invite all current and former recipients to an annual symposium.

At the Charles Butt Foundation, we know teachers have the most direct and significant impact on student success. Therefore, the long-term success of our communities and our state is inextricably linked to the quality of our teacher workforce. 

The Charles Butt Scholarship for Aspiring Teachers was developed with this purpose in mind. Scholarship recipients attend some of the best teacher preparation programs in the state, are some of the most promising aspiring teachers in the state, and are committed to teaching in economically disadvantaged schools or shortage subject areas in the Texas public school system. The Charles Butt Scholarship provides each recipient with an annual scholarship, professional development, connection to a statewide network of future and current educators, and mentorship from experienced school leaders. 

As part of the professional development offerings, the scholarship invites all current and former scholarship recipients to an annual symposium for the opportunity to network and experience shared learning. The 2022 Scholar Symposium took place in San Antonio on June 10-12. Each year, we develop a unique theme for the symposium with consideration of what’s on educators’ hearts and minds. Read about this year’s theme — United by Purpose — in our blog post.

After two years of virtual conferences, the 4th annual Charles Butt Scholars Symposium brought together, in-person, 236 current and former scholarship recipients from 14 partner educator preparation programs around Texas; two inspiring keynote speakers, 2015 National Teacher of the Year, Shanna Peeples, and San Antonio ISD Superintendent, Dr. Jaime Aquino; and two days packed with expert breakout presenters. The weekend was filled with opportunities for these aspiring and current teachers to connect, build community, and learn from the presenters and each other. 

It was powerful to witness so many future and in-service teachers full of enthusiasm for students and education all in one place. We never get tired hearing from our Charles Butt Scholars about why they are passionate about the teaching profession. The future is full of possibilities with these incredible Scholars.

The Charles Butt Foundation is already hard at work planning next year’s symposium. Scholarship recipients and Alumni should look out for a survey asking for your preference on dates and inviting you to share any ideas you all have for content and keynotes.

We are thankful to all 2022 Symposium attendees. It was a pleasure and a privilege to spend time with all of you. We look forward to the 2023 Symposium!