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Practitioner Resources

Practitioner Resources

The shift to blended learning instructional models is a gradual process that unfolds over time. This collection of resources showcases our research-informed implementation continuum and case studies that give voice to district leaders, teachers, and students at different stages of implementation. This repository functions as an open-resource library, offering valuable insights for educators contemplating the adoption of these pedagogical models. For a more comprehensive exploration, we encourage individuals to delve further into the resources available in our RBL cohort Hub.

In addition to these free resources, the Education Service Centers that make up the Texas Center for Blended Learners provide coaching and support to districts in the following regions: Region 4 Education Service CenterRegion 7ESC Region 12Education Service Center Region 13,  ESC-20.

Raising Blended Learners Implementation Continuum:

The five essential pillars of blended learning are assessment and data-driven instruction, personalized instruction, student agency, relationships, and rigor. These pillars intersect to support the whole child. This rubric provides a progression of instructional strategies mapping to each pillar that supports practitioners as they put blended learning into practice.

Case Studies

Harlingen CISD Featuring 2nd Grade Reading at Bowie Elementary – July 2022

This case study provides an overview of a district and campus focused on improving K-2 reading outcomes and progress made working at the intersection of the science of teaching reading (STR) and blended learning pedagogy. The principal credits a combination of implementing district curricula with fidelity, and offering personalized practice activities as, “game-changing” for student outcomes. Further, the teachers and principal speak about shifts in data tools and practices and the power of leveraging student goal-setting and progress monitoring to create student-driven classroom cultures. The “Instructional Elements of the Student Experience” and “Blended Zones in Action” sections provide insights on core instructional elements and present a short student interview about the work undertaken in each “Blended Zone” (station).

Stephenville ISD Featuring 4th Grade Math & ELA at Hook Elementary – January 2023

This case study presents interviews with district and campus leaders along with valuable insights from 4th grade pilot teachers. Significant shifts in assessment tools and instructional materials, and the development of strong data literacy skills and improved data practices are evident in the comments from all stakeholders. In addition, the section “Blended Classroom Deep Dive – 4th grade” describes how one teacher pivoted from traditional to blended instruction. The teacher reflects on new classroom structures, student onboarding and classroom culture shifts, and each instructional component. Short snapshots of two 4th-grade ELA classrooms are also informative.

Tomball ISD Featuring K-2 Reading at Wildwood & Rosehill Elementary Schools – June 2023

This case study shares insights about a large-scale effort to transform K-2 reading classrooms to blended learning across five campuses. It highlights the strong partnership developed between the Digital Learning, and Curriculum and Instruction Departments to lead the effort to onboard hundreds of educators and additional new campuses. Further, the case study presents interviews with principals, campus leaders, and teachers who share key learnings related to shifts in mindsets, instructional materials, and practices to a blended learning approach. Two elementary schools are spotlighted, one of which is a two-way dual-language campus.

Venus ISD Featuring Secondary Flex Reading Block – November 2023

This case study provides insights into Venus ISD’s effort to dramatically improve low reading proficiency skills in secondary students. The district created a reading block elective course, which meets daily in addition to English Language Arts. During reading class, students use a high-quality digital tool for core learning and receive support from reading instructors. In case study sections, leaders share specifics about the reading block class design, including staffing and teacher support, and provide insights and examples of classroom implementation. Particularly compelling are the “Student Voice: Stories of Impact” and “Outcomes” videos, which feature student sharing their experiences with the reading class and leaders reflecting on results.

Program contact information:

Chris Lowak thumbnail

Chris Lowak

Director of Raising Blended Learners

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