Introducing our “Alumni Stories” series

Our statewide programs extend well beyond one-time investments. As part of our alumni engagement work, all current and former grantees of our Raising School Leaders program and Charles Butt Scholarship are invited to join one of two ongoing learning communities. We call these our Leadership Network and Scholar Network, respectively. 

These networks exist to support practitioners in collaborative, continuous learning; professional networking and advancement; and mutual support. Furthermore, Scholars are paired with an experienced educator from the Leadership Network to serve as their mentor as they finish their university-based preparation program and enter the teaching field.

We asked our Leadership and Scholar Alumni to reflect on the meaningful relationships they’ve made through these networks. The video above showcases some of these responses … 

Call for submissions

The opportunity to reflect on your journey with our network starts here. If you are a current participant or an alum of one of our Foundation programs, we encourage you to share your story.