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Charles Butt Scholarship

Charles Butt Scholarship

An investment in the most promising new teachers in Texas.

diverse group of Charles Butt Scholars gathering and smiling

Our vision

Teaching becomes the most desirable profession for our state’s most talented individuals and that cost is not a barrier to being trained in a highly effective teacher preparation program.

About the Charles Butt Scholarship for Aspiring Teachers

Teaching is one of our most critical professions — it creates all other professions. We know teachers give rise to the future. Yet, the majority of parents say they would not encourage their children to become teachers, and the number of college-going students reporting an interest in teaching is at an all-time low.  The 2022 Charles Butt Foundation Public Perception Poll shows only 57 percent of Texas parents say they’d like to have a child teach in public schools.

The Charles Butt Scholarship for Aspiring Teachers is designed to encourage and support the state’s most promising students to pursue a career in teaching through one of the state’s best university-based teacher preparation programs. Scholarship recipients are selected by the Charles Butt Foundation in partnership with those universities through a rigorous application process.

The Charles Butt Scholarship selects talented and diverse aspiring teachers who demonstrate leadership potential, and ensures they are supported financially and professionally throughout their journey to becoming a teacher.

Our Strategy

1.  Financial Support: The Charles Butt Scholarship provides up to $8,000 – $10,000 per year, depending on program, for up to four years at 20 university-based educator preparation programs across the state.

2. Professional Development: The Charles Butt Foundation provides ongoing professional learning opportunities for Scholars. These offerings range from informal gatherings to strengthen regional connections to presentations and facilitated learning sessions focused on professional and personal development. 

3. Networking: Every Charles Butt Scholar has the opportunity to connect with a mentor who is a school leader who has participated in our Raising School Leaders program, and is provided a platform for connecting with the statewide network of Charles Butt Scholars and Alumni.

Charles Butt Scholarship programmatic goals

Program goals

  1. Increase the number, quality, and diversity of candidates entering and graduating from rigorous university-based teacher preparation programs across the state
  2. Encourage promising aspiring teachers to choose teaching careers in the Texas public school system in either Title I or majority economically disadvantaged schools or priority subject areas (math, science, special education, or bilingual)
  3. Ensure that the demographics of the teaching workforce reflect the student population they serve
  4. Build a well-connected network of well-prepared teachers who are committed to serving in high-needs schools and priority subject areas and are willing to advocate on behalf of the profession

Fast Facts

scholarship information


# of current scholarships


# of total scholarships awarded


total dollars invested to date



percent of first-generation college students


percent of Pell Grant-eligible students

Average GPA


GPA from Scholars coming from high school


GPA from Scholars coming from university

Race & Ethnic distribution






two or more races






American Indian or Alaskan Native


prefer to self-describe

gender distribution









Alumni Engagement

If you are an alum of one of our state-wide programs and are looking for ways to stay connected and engaged, visit our Alumni Engagement page.

Program contact information

Christina Dunigan, Program Director for Charles Butt Scholarship

Christina Dunigan

Program Director – Charles Butt Scholarship

Other statewide programs